Le petit ballon (Alsace, Vosges)
vu depuis l'Hôtel Restaurant Domaine Langmatt

Le petit ballon (Alsace, Vosges) le 17.09.2020 à 04:45
-1M  -14j  -7j  -3j  -1j  -3h  -1h  -15m   17.09.2020 04:45   +15m  +1h  +3h  +1j  +3j  +7j  +14j  +1M

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For a time I stood
pondering on circle sizes. The
large computer mainframe quietly
processed all of its assembly code. Inside my entire
hope lay for figuring out an elusive expansion. Value : pi.
Decimals expected soon. I nervously entered a format procedure.
The mainframe processed the request. Error. I, again entering it,
carefully retyped. This iteration gave zero error printouts in all - success.
Intently I waited. Soon, roused by thoughts within me, appeared narrative
mnemonics relating digits to verbiage ! The idea appeared to exist but only in
abbreviated fashion - little phrases typically. Pressing on I then resolved, deciding
firmly about a sum of decimals to use - likely around four hundred, presuming the
computer code soon halted ! Pondering these ideas, words appealed to me. But a
problem of zeros did exist. Pondering more, solution subsequently appeared. Zero
suggests a punctuation element. Very novel ! My thoughts were culminated. No periods, I
concluded. All residual marks of punctuation = zeros. First digit expansion answer then came
before me. On examining some problems unhappily arose. That imbecillic bug ! The printout I
processed showed four nine as foremost decimals. Manifestly troubling. Totally every number
looked wrong. Repairing the bug took much effort. A pi mnemonic with letters truly seemed
good. Counting of all the letters probably should suffice. Reaching for a record would be
helpful. Consequently, I continued, expecting a good final answer from computer. First
number slowly displayed on the flat screen -3. Good. Trailing digits apparently were right
also. Now my memory scheme must be probably implementable. The technique was
chosen, elegant in scheme : by self reference a tale mnemonically helpful was
ensured. An able title suddenly existed - "Circle Digits". Taking pen I began.
Words emanated uneasily. I desired more synonyms. Speedily I found my
(alongside me) Thesaurus. Rogets is probably an essential in doing this,
instantly I decided. I wrote and erased more. The Rogets clearly
assisted immensely. My story proceeded (how lovely !) faultlessly.
The end, above all, would soon joyfully overtake. So, this
memory helper story is incontestably complete. Soon I
will locate publisher. There a narrative will I
trust immediately appear producing
fame. The end.
-- Keith, Michael ; Circle digits : a self referential story